You’ve taken a big step towards a better life by checking out this website and the providers who are here to help you. My goal will be to work with you and guide you towards achieving your best outcome. Let’s see if we’re a good fit. As a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, LICSW, I bring to the table a wide range of experience and perspectives on life. This is my second career, and I chose it because I strongly believe that I can help individuals improve their quality of life. Depression, anxiety, relationship conflict, career difficulties, life transitions, parenting frustrations, caregiving for a loved one… these are some of the issues that cause us to lose our equilibrium. To move forward in the most constructive way, and reestablish equilibrium, we will work together using CBT (cognitive behavior therapy,) my principle area of expertise. We will look at behaviors that aren’t working for you and you will replace them with behaviors that improve your daily life. I use active listening as an important tool to help me understand your feelings and turmoil – sometimes you may just need to vent. And as I follow you on your journey, I will employ the skills of my profession as you need them. I believe wholeheartedly in a holistic approach to therapy and foremost is the importance of self-care. You will learn how self-care enhances self-respect, and how important these two factors are for establishing a firm foundation for the new, improved you. And there will be homework assignments each week related to current goals. It’s all up to you: the harder you work, the greater your progress. You have to be “in it to win it.” My first career was in business, and I utilize some basic business principles in my psychotherapy, most notably organization skills and the allocation of your inner resources.
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